DD YOU Sue Baskerville: 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

uWorld forums - why don't my posts show up?

I'm registered with the forums for the uWorld virtual world, and I can sign in and make a post, and it appears to work except for one small problem: the posts don't show up in the forum index.

It's hard to deal with a website in a language you can't read, and which if you are using a translated version, doesn't work because you can't be signed in on the translated version.

The url for the uWorld forums is http://bbs.uworld3d.com/mvnforum/mvnforum/index .

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, June 27, 2008

SL blast from the past: Impeach Bush!

This image adorned many a sign in SL at one time.  There would be a lot of them, on tiny parcels of virtual land, spoiling the view of the nearby users, driving some of them to pay exhorbitant sums to buy the parcel the signs were on so they could restore the view, or to sell their land, sometimes at very low prices.

This blurry image was probably captured from SL in a group's badge image or similar part of the interface.  The words are "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS • End the Illegal War in Iraq • Support US credibility • IMPEACH BUSH"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Are Hipihi forums broken, and why is my Hipihi "Account Locked"?

I can't start new threads in the Hipihi forums. Anyone know why, what to do about it, or how to get the Hipihi folks to fix the forums, or whatever?

Also when I try to log in to Hipihi now, I get an "Account Locked" message. Anyone know what to do about that?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hipihi is open beta now

The indented section following is copied from the HIpihi forums English language forum, the Overseas Zone:

HiPiHi enters open public beta

We are very excited announce the debuting of HiPiHi’s open public beta test, beginning from April 18th,
2008. From now on, our HiPiHi world will welcome new residents from all
corners around the world and join our existing residents on this
magical land created by yourselves.

During this period, feel free to invite your friends to become new residents through our new resident registration page

For our existing residents (who did not complete the name-change process during April 2nd -17th),
we will kept your virtual assets on our server but your username runs
the risk of being over-ridden by new residents as their “nickname”. You
can still use your old username and password to take back your assets.

Here are some examples for you to understand your situation:

  1. Resident
    “Happygirl” did not complete the name-change process during April 2nd
    -17th. From April 18th, new residents may take this name as their
  2. If Resident “happygirl” trys to log in after
    April 18th, she will be auto-directed to the name-change page, where
    she may still use “Happygirl” as her username if it has not been taken
    by new users, or to change her name (e.g. “happgirl_me”) if her old
    name was occupied by a new resident.

We kindly remind you to enter our name-change page as soon as possible to protect your old username.

Note: Please download our 50021 customer side for your usage in this new period.

The start page for Hipihi is hipihi.com .

The English information page is at http://www.hipihi.com/index_en.html .

The English registration page is at http://service.hipihi.com/member/register/en/register.jhtml .

For help in English with Hipihi you can use the Hipihi OverSeas Zone forum, once you've registered with Hipihi. Note that the forum software itself is in Chinese.

Another place to go for help in English with Hipihi is www.ideashape.com.

. Note that the forum software at ideashape is in English.

There's also a Hipihi group in facebook.

The downloads from Hipihi have always been slow for me, and they might for you. So - be patient. It's not like you have to just watch the download screen it's downloading.

I'm still waiting for the download to complete, so I don't know exactly what to expect yet.

This is a beta; it's not the finished product. One can expect to have some rocky riding during a beta.

I'm not sure about the language requirements for this version, or the degree to which the interface is available in English.

So - why not give Hipihi a try?

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hipihi: Box of Doom

When Hipihi first added attachments I managed to attach a huge hollow box, a one room one prim building, to my avatar.

Now the giant box of doom reappears at times, at other times the huge box sits on the ground on my land.

I tried to put an embedded video here but it didn't work, so, here's the url: http://screencast.com/t/u1TInkdcE

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Me.dium - what the heck is it? does it work?

There's a Flock extension called Me.dium that apparently let's you see what other people are browsing on, or chat with other people that are using Me.dium.

The interface  is confusing.  The interface fits in a sidebar, and shows some sort of graph or diagram or website favicons that changes as you surf in the other side of the screen.

People type stuff in a tiny text entry area with a lot of typing lag, and then they can't see their text appear.

The comments appear disjointed like no one sees anyone else's comments and thus no one gets a response.

The scroll bar in the chat area vanishes when the cursor isn't over it so it might take you hours to find or maybe you wouldn't never find it at all. 

I can't see what good this application is.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hipihi's HiTV

I just now came across some Hipihi advertisements that I enjoyed watching.

If someone could translate the Chinese into English I'd appreciate it, and I'm sure there are others who would appreciate a tranlation into their native or preferred tongue.

Here's one:

And here's another one:

I've seen some Flash on prims in Hipih but I've not seen any video's of any length.

It's nice to see these video's on YouTube. The governments of the world may work to impede communication between the peoples of the world but the people of the world know better.

It's also interesting to see the toilet plunger attached to one of the avatars. Some important things, such as good will or plumbing tools, transcend national boundaries.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Looking for a beginners guide to Ruby using Heroku

I'm looking for a beginners guide to Ruby using Heroku. 

I have no experience with or knowledge of Ruby.  I've looked at an old Ruby book long enough to think the syntax looked nice. 

I think they've changed the syntax since then but maybe it's still not too bad.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to fill in the Meet-Me registration form?

Google translate the registration form below  for the Meet-Me virtual world as :
Please enter your personal information. (※: Required)
※ meet me ID -
'_','-', 3 to 15 alphanumeric characters. Turns is only the beginning.
※ password
Only alphanumeric characters, 6 to 20 characters
※ password
※ Name Last Name Name (Kanji)
※ Name Last Name Name (Cana)
※ Sex Male Female
※ date of birth date
※ mail address
※ ZIP code --
State ※

I don't know what to put for the Name Last Name Name Kanji and the the Name Last Name Name Cana.

I also don't know what to put for zip code and state - this is from a Japanese company, there is no country asked for, so they must be looking for Japanese address answers.
I want to see the Meet-Me world.  Can you help?

MeetMeRegistration.png tempScreenshot.png picture by SuezanneC-Baskerville
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 15, 2008

SecondBlogger.com from FlipperPA Peregrine

Second Life user FlipperPA Peregrine, well known in some circles as creator of SL Boutique, has a new project, a community blog that you can post to from the web or by using the postcard feature in Second Life.

The site is secondblogger.com.

Google Advanced Search changes for the worse

Google has messed up their advanced search function, hiding some of the fields that I use in searching  quite frequently.

Why dumb down the advanced search?  Is this a bad attempt at popularizing something not likely to be popular no matter what you do,  like Advanced Linear Algebra For Dummies?

What search engines offer good advanced search capabilities?

Google, maybe you've run out of good ideas if your idea of improving things is rearranging things and making them harder to get to and where you won't know what you are missing because you include stuff in the term "more".

If you want to attract "advanced searchers", give us boolean logic like the old Alta Vista and Hotspot sites had back in the day.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Fixing Fouled Up Favicons in Flock?

The favicons for SecondLife.com sites has gotten screwed up in Flock on my system.

The tabs for secondlife.com sites were tending to display some orange and black icon I don't recognize.

With a few minutes of my attention I've managed to get it screwed up even worse that before.

Now there's a whole bunch of sites showing the default favicon.

Doing About:Config and turning browser site icons off and back on doesn't fixing it.

Deleting a bookmark for the site and reinstalling it doesn't work.

I tried adding a Firefox extension that let's you change favicons for bookmarks but I don't necessarily have the favicons and the problem isn't just or primarily with favicons for bookmarks, it's the favicons for the tabs also.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Second Life Community Entry Points

Second Life has a number of places that new users can sign up with that start the user out at different places in Second Life, places operated by various third party in partnership with Linden Lab, with the different places having different styles according to the tastes of the Second Life community partner.

I was looking for a simple list of these places and I didn't see one, so I made one.

As always when making a static copy of something, errors in copying can occur, and the information may become out of date.

These links take you to the sign up pages for these community entry points.

Second Life Netherland
Beste Nederlandse bezoekers! De site www.secondlife.nl is volledig Nederlandstalig. Op deze website vindt je tutorials en lees je het laatste Nederlandse Second Life Nieuws. De site teleport je naar de Introductieboerderij in world. Hier leer je Second Life in een handomdraai. Als je vragen hebt, kun je deze stellen aan de vriendelijke Nederlandse avatars bij de boerderij. Zij helpen je graag verder op weg.

Second Life Brasil
A Mainland Brasil - um empreendimento da KAIZEN Games - Second Life Global Provider, em parceria com o IG (Internet Group) - foi lançada, no Second Life, como um espaço para a comunidade que fala a língua portuguesa. Na Mainland Brasil, os usuários podem tornar-se assinantes Premium dentro do território da Mainland Brasil e alugar ou comprar terrenos em locais fantásticos como a praia de Copacabana! A Mainland Brasil foi totalmente localizada para a cultura brasileira e os residentes brasileiros podem contar com meios de pagamento locais, suporte técnico 24/7 e um Mercado de Linden Dólares próprio.

The L Word
Are you a fan of The L Word on Showtime? Visit The L Word in Second Life today. Discuss last season with other fans while having a cup of coffee at the Planet, rent land and customize your dream house and talk to stars from the show during virtual chats. The L Word in Second Life is the virtual destination for everything "L.

Big Pond
The Pond is a uniquely Australian place run by Telstra BigPond and comprising 11 beautiful islands. Visitors can enjoy free building on our Pondex island. They can climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge and visit the Sydney Opera House and Uluru. There is dancing and car racing, glittering media events and water sports around our beautiful lagoon/ice rink. There's even an authentic Outback pub with pool, kangaroos and beer. And for BigPond customers, we make our best efforts to make the content on the BigPond islands unmetered.

Anshe Chung的梦国

作为Second Life中最为成功的社区,,梦国以超过500个专业设计的景观区
和16 个风格迥异的主题区而著称于世.。梦国的每一个区域都以其独一无二的生活方式和特色鲜明的建筑风格, 营造出截然不同的感受。梦国现有的成千上万的居民,包括很多杰出的企业家和艺术家吸引着现实中的政府机关、全球100强,、非营利组织、富豪和社会名流纷纷选择梦国作为他们虚拟人生的总部。作为梦国的首都,Plush City是Second Life中最大的商业和娱乐专区,现在已经成为了一个充满人生体验和无限商机的大都会。在开发商Anshe Chung建立的自由的社会环境和有序的经济环境下,梦国已经成为了一个集财富和激情于一身的大陆,更成为了虚拟现实空间史上的一个奇迹。作为第一个开创国际知名网络虚拟社区的中国企业,长期以来

Anshe Chung's Dreamland

With more than 500 regions of professionally designed landscapes, Dreamland is organized in 16 themed zones, each hosting a unique lifestyle, experience or architectural style. Plush City, the capital of Dreamland, is Second Life's largest business and entertainment district, a bustling metropolis full of life and commerce. Governments, fortune 100 companies, billionaires and celebrities have chosen Dreamland as their virtual home, as have thousands of enthusiastic residents.

Visit STA Travel Island - the best way to get you started in Second Life! As home for the "Virtual World Traveler", our goal is to help you discover the must-see places and adventures in Second Life, while offering a great place to gather and socialize at the STA Travel Main Island. STA Travel is the world's largest travel company for student's and youth.

Melting Dots
イテムデ パート、フリースペース、自由に制作ができるサンドボックス、日本人向

Second House of Sweden
Sweden's virtual embassy in Second Life is a place where you can learn about Swedish design, art, food, film and nature. Meet Swedes, attend regular live events, or explore a beautiful Swedish archipelago.

MagSL (マグスル)はShibuya、Akibaなどを含む日本最大の日本人居住「MagSL Tokyo」、「MagSLTokyo2」、「MagSL Tokai」、情報サイトなどを提供しています。400万平米を超える広大な日本人居住区に新たに日本語チュートリアル島が加わりました!登録から操作方法まで日本語でOK!あなたのアバター(分身)の服装、住まいのことなど、セカンドライフを楽しむウェブマガジン「MagSL.NET」に詳しく掲載しております。ぜひご覧ください。

"Ben and Jerry's has made the leap into the virtual world. Take a tour of their futuristic environmentally friendly factory. Have an ice cream cone. Play the game called "Methaniac" and help to power the factory with meadow muffins. Ben & Jerry's in Second Life is the perfect place to start YOUR Second Life."

The Azure Islands
One of the largest resident owned and operated continents, with over 13 square kilometers of virtual land to explore and over a thousand residents to meet! We've prepared a new user experience that gives you a grounding in how to get the most out of Second Life!

Avatar Island
Make Avatar Island your first stop in Second Life! On Avatar Island you will find everything you need to create and accessorize your avatar before heading out into the virtual world. When you arrive on Avatar Island you'll be greeted by a helpful Welcome Center that will show you around and offer you new accessories for your avatar?all for FREE! This unique starting point within Second Life will help you become the avatar of your dreams. Don't settle for a plain looking avatar when it's just as easy to make a work of art! Only on Avatar Island can you simply use a photograph of yourself (or anyone else!) to make a personalized and truly unique avatar. Visit the lab in the center of the island to upload your picture. We'll do the rest!

Frankfurt ist die erste und größte deutsche Stadt in Second Life. Die Wiege der deutschen Demokratie präsentiert sich als virtuelle Erlebniswelt der deutschen Community. Sechs Clubs machen Party-Stimmung, dem Sport wird mit Eishockey und Fußball gedient, und das virtuellen Goethe-Haus und die Paulskirche runden das Kulturelle ab. Öffentliche Plätze bieten einen geeigneten Rahmen für große Open-Air-Events, Theater und Konzerte. Second Life Neulinge können im Anfänger-Parcours auf unserer Welcome Area die Grundlagen erlernen. Vor Ort helfen Euch Frankfurter Mentoren bei Fragen rund um das Bauen und Gestalten in Second Life. Eine "Sandbox" ermöglicht dann das Erlernte anzuwenden.

Orientation Station
Welcoming you to the Metaverse are five professionally built training regions and welcome area. Clever is our fun gamer region with cool Avatar appearances! Bright allows for general resident entry and also is a reservation region for VIP private use. Scholar is designed with extensive tutorials for educators and students. Business people who want quicker yet in depth training can enter our Genius region, where you will find business resources and corporate attire. Our Metaverse Mentors will provide personal attention and can even be paged from any region to assist you. OS supports 24 languages! We welcome you to enter a new experience in Second Life learning.

Bienvenue dans Second Life ! Gaïa est le lieu de naissance idéal pour votre seconde vie. A l'école francophone la plus populaire de Second Life, découvrez avec l'aide d'une équipe de bénévoles "french mentor" comment débuter sereinement dans Second Life et apprendre à construire au "bac à sable". Faites également connaissance avec des débutants et des "vieux de la vieille" à la coopération française qui vous guidera vers d'autres régions francophones.

Spanish Orientation Island
Hablas español? Únete a la Isla "Ñ", la primera Isla de Orientacion en Español de Second Life. Nace en la mayor comunidad hispana, con miles de usuarios.Nuestros orientadores te ayudarán a dar tus primeros pasos en este mundo virtual. Equipate con cientos de elementos gratuitos y visita en metro los lugares más populares.

Ven a visitarnos a la isla de orientacion española que desde el portal MundoSL.com hemos puesto en marcha, aquí podras empezar a dar tus primeros pasos con una guia en castellano e integrarte en la comunidad española. Hemos preparado 3 escenarios para que elijas el que mas se asemeje a tu forma de ser y puedas aprender a gusto y de forma facil como moverte por este mundo virtual. Ademas, te invitamos a conocer la pagina Web http://www.mundosl.com desde donde podras conocer informacion de Second Life como noticias, eventos, negocios... y participar en sus foros.

newBERLIN ist der maßstabsgetreue Nachbau Berlin. Komm vorbei und werde ein Mitglied der newBERLIN Streetlife Gruppe, erkunde die Metropole und nimm am Stadtleben teil. Es finden täglich verschiedenste Events und Partys statt. In newBERLIN lernst du Berliner Unternehmen und die Bräuche und Kultur der Stadt kennen. Außerdem kannst du Bewohner der Stadt und Leute aus der ganzen Welt treffen.
Ein Besuch newBERLINs ist ein Erlebnis der besonderen Art: Hier spürst du die Verschmelzung von Virtualität und Realität, die das 3D-Internet möglich macht.

You've seen the show...Now be the show! Investigate virtual crime scenes. Solve crimes in the CSI New York virtual lab. Match wits with the creator of CSI in the Murder by Zuiker blog game. Meet other CSI: NY fans in world. Explore New York in a whole new way. Virtual CSI New York...It's your world!

三境中国第二人生是为使用中文的第二人生玩家提供全面服务的综合性社区,里面有风景优美的环境,富有民族特色的建筑,别出心裁的学习区,开放民主的交流区。社区发起者三境公司专注于与Second Life相关的开发与服务。三境公司已为中国第二人生用户提供汉化客户端,方便不习惯英文的中国用户。 www.3jlife.com是三境公司为Second Life上的中文玩家和虚拟产品生产者提供的一个公平、公正、公开、便捷的交易平台, 帮助中文用户完成林登币交易,虚拟物品交易,虚拟地产交易等一系列商务活动。我们还专门在这个网站上设立了论坛,以便中文用户相互交流经验和技术。

The streets of Scion City seem laid back during the day, but as dusk falls and the shops close their doors, the nightlife begins to stir. Residents gather at underground clubs to share music, or in the streets to race their urban vehicles. Filled with misfits and even a local superhero, Scion City is a city unlike any other in Second Life. Is the sunset calling you home, or drawing you out?

The Brautigan & Tuck Holdings
The Brautigan & Tuck Holdings continent of Ancapistan features such basics as roadways and a functioning subway system that travels throughout a majority of the estates. The newly opened Ancapistan Capital Exchange (ACE), located in Venture Square, is just one of a host of other high-quality products and services that BnT Holdings has built its reputation upon. Visitors and residents are welcome to experience tutorials in Orientation Island, or sample a variety of entertainment venues, such as the Second Star Talent Contest, Teller Speedways, and Major League Combat. Ancapistan is a business-oriented continent with a positive vision of the metaverse and the free markets that are building it. At BnT Holdings, opportunity awaits you!

ISN Virtual Worlds
Sei italiano? Sei nuovo al mondo di Second Life? Entra a far parte della comunità ISN Virtual Worlds, sede del popolo italiano in Second Life! Qui troverete tanti amici disposti ad aiutarvi a prendere i vostri primi passi in questo nuovo mondo, oltre a musica, video, calcio, formula1, feste in spiaggia, serate a tema, eventi culturali, e altri eventi di ogni genere. E tutto in lingua italiana! La nostra comunità vi permetterà inoltre di far parte di tanti progetti che vi daranno la possibilità di contribuire al mondo e la vita quotidiana di SL. Crescete con noi, e aiutateci a far crescere Second Life.

France Pittoresque
Faites vos premiers pas, apprenez rapidement à vous repérer, maîtrisez les commandes indispensables, habillez gratuitement votre personnage pour évoluer dans ce monde virtuel et réalisez vos premières constructions sur le bac à sable. Besoin d'aide? Demandez à nos "éclaireurs". Ile paradisiaque et francophone sur Second Life depuis mars 2007, France Pittoresque une région de détente, culture, discussion, loisirs, shopping, où vous croiserez d'autres débutants comme vous, mais également des "anciens" avec qui vous pourrez échanger, qui sauront vous conseiller et vous donner de bonnes adresses. C'est également un groupe de plusieurs milliers de membres francophones, auxquels vous pourrez poser vos questions en cas de besoin

Dublin in SL
Dublin in SL is the vision and ongoing creation of Ham Rambler aka John Mahon, a Dubliner now living in London, U.K. Dublin in SL is a gathering place for the world, a place in virtual reality which reduces the barriers to entry for people of different backgrounds to get to know each other. Dublin in SL holds the Best Irish Bar In Virtual Reality, the Blarney Stone. Three things make a great Irish Bar and gathering place: Friendly People, Great Music, and Hostesses and Hosts to keep things movin' along. Social events and live DJ music held daily. Live music concerts held three times a week.

Mobile Factory
モバイルファクトリーが提供するセカンドライフ初心者向け登録方法には以下の特徴がございますのでご注意ください。 * 特徴1 : 登録が簡単すぎる!(約3分で完了!)
* 特徴2 : すぐに友達を作れるコミュニケーションツール「Wassr」をプレゼント!
* 特徴3 : セカンドライフの通貨「リンデンドル」がもらえるキャンペーン随時開催!
* 特徴4 : 日本人が多い!

Sera Korea
“새로운 인생, 새로운 커뮤티니” 세라코리아로 오세요!!세라코리아는 여러분의 꿈이 실현되는 신개념 3D 커뮤니티 공간입니다.
세 라코리아를 통해 세컨드라이프 가입을 하시면 체계적인 메뉴얼을 통해 세컨드라이프를 시작할 수 있으며 쇼핑몰, 영화세트장, 카페, 댄스홀, 샌드박스등이 마련되어 있는 세라코리아에서 다양한 컨텐츠 및 UCC 공간을 제공받으실 수 있고,
또한 세라코리아 인월드에서는 상시 거주하는 공식도우미 아바타(멘토)에게 어려움과 문제점에 대해 도움을 받을 수 있답니다. 다양한 정보를 공유할 수 있는 세라코리아의 커뮤니티 사이트(www.serakorea.com) 와 함께 세컨드라이프를 즐길 수 있는 기회도 놓치지 마세요.
* 세라코리아는 한국의 세컨드라이프 글로벌 프로바이더 입니다.

And of course the old faithful, Linden Lab's Orientation Island
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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Flock: much better when it's working right!

I've been using the Flock browser for a little while now for my regular browsing, 

I did not have the social networking features working properly.

I suspect this is because I junked it up by adding a bunch of Firefox extensions that messed it up.   I'm not sure what the problem was.

I use two computers, the better one more for virtual worlds, and the slower one for surfing.  Yesterday I decided to install the new 1.1 beta on the better machine, where it would have a fresh start, no old registry entries, no desire to copy anything from an old installation, etc.

I then went through and did the Tools Accounts and Services procedure, logging in to  facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Blogger, Wordpress.com, gmail, yahoo mail, etc.

I now have the social networking features working properly for the first time.  I have one list that has all my "friends" from Twitter, facebook, YouTube, and Flickr in one list.  Each "friend" has options to message them, check their profile, etc, varying with which service the connection has been made with. 

There's a search field to search for names, searching the combined friend's list for all the services.

It's quite neat really.  I'd been pleased with Flock just for normal surfing.   Now that I got it working more properly, and became a bit more familiar with the instructions, it's much better.

I definitely  recommend giving flock a try as a browser. 

Hmm, that reminds, I haven't  updated my Opera Kestrel 9.5  beta yet this weekend.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, February 29, 2008

Bricabox - where are the instructions?

If you want to make a Bricabox site that works like the premade discussion board one, but you want to do it starting from scratch, how do you do that?

I don't see in the way of instructions. There are some not very polished videos. There is very little action at the Bricabox Google group.

Google groups aren't really very good compared to a number of free forums one could use instead. I've got a Google group, I know, a company should do better than use a Google group. Be that as it may, a Google group would be ok if the questions get answered. I'm waiting for an answer to my question in the Bricabox Google group.

If you have no idea what Bricabox is and want to find out, go to bricabox.com, then this post will make a bit more sense.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"DD YOU" - Blogspot.com anomaly - what is it and how does one destroy it?

At various points throughout the use of blogspot.com, the Google Blogger free blogging site, one see the letters "DD YOU" in stupid looking places where they ought not to be.

There's one right below the Triggit and above the "B" for blogspot/blogger

Why does this DD YOU appear and what does one have to do to stop if from appearing?

It's been annoying me for years. 

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, February 8, 2008

Second Life should be a Network in facebook!


I''m asking everyone who's in both Second Life and facebook to join the facebook group 

"Add Second Life to available regional networks!"

If you aren't in both facebook and Second Life, well, join both!.

If you can post in the Second Life  forum at, please show your support for this idea in the thread in the Resident Answers forum at http://forums.secondlife.com/forumdisplay.php?f=327 (note: only those registered with Second Life and who have payment info on file can access the Second Life forums).

Image of tempScreenshot.png - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Linden Lab: 503 Service Unavailable errors continue as of 1-31-08 3:00 SLT! Please fix the forum.

Note to Linden Lab and the support staff:

The forums are producing frequent 503 Service Unavailable errors.

The problem is NOT FIXED as of 1-31-2008 2:58 SLT.

Please fix the problem, and please also do not make statements suggesting the problem is fixed.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Hipihi company gives its users the finger.

The Hipihi company  has given its users the finger. To be more accurate, it's given each of them ten fingers.

The fingers the users have received are attachment points, parts of the avatar body to which a virtual world object can be attached, or in Hipihi-English parlance, mounted.

Hipihi- arm attachment points - ten fingers

The Hipihi company has not only given it's users ten fingers, it's also given them upper arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, and hands, and a bunch more attachment points on other body parts.

Hipihi now has the capacity for user created textures for objects like houses and furniture, user created textures for clothing, user created objects made from parametric prims, user modifiable pre-made objects, and user created custom animations.  The custom textured, custom made objects can be attached to the avatars to create object-style costume pieces  for humanoid avatars, like helmets and armor, or to create robots, animals, cartoon characters, etc.

With each finger having one attachment point, I bet users won't take too long to start asking for separate attachment points for each joint.  That's just the way users are, eh?

Here I am with a few objects attached to upper arm, forearm, and skull.

Blogged with Flock

Saturday, January 19, 2008

How do I get this box off my head? Avatar attachments come to Hiphi.

Mentor, help me, I've got a box on my head and I can't get it off.

I'm not joking,  the detach command may be in Chinese, I may need a mentor. Or a surgeon.

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Flock support forums are not posting?

Looks to me like the Flock browser's support forum's posts aren't getting posted.

It's a "moderator approval before the post is shown" sort of forum.

Is the moderator on vacation?

It's not very social behavior for a social browser to exhibit.

Blogged with Flock