DD YOU Sue Baskerville: Libertarian Party forums - forums for all 50 states, etc., plus virtual world libertarians

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Libertarian Party forums - forums for all 50 states, etc., plus virtual world libertarians

I've made a "Libertarian Party forum" which I originally intended to show the structure of the sort of forum that I think the U.S. national Libertarian Party should operate.

The address of this forum is http://z8.invisionfree.com/Libertarian_Party .

This forum in just a demo of what I want the LP to operate, yet it is a perfectly functional forum, and it might still be of some value or amusement, so I am announcing it's location.

If you'd like to see if there's any value to a forum of this sort, you might try posting in the forum for the state you are a LP member in. A brief word or two on the origin of your state and or local Libertarian Party, how to join your local party, the state LP's statement of principles, state platform, etc. seem like they'd be good things to start out with. Maybe you could get a friendly opponent to join you and start a doctrinal argument, forums are great for having doctrinal arguments in, and some folks enjoy watching the fur fly.

There's a virtual world libertarian category with a forum started for the Second Life virtual world.

1 comment:

  1. If I was designing a forum for the national party, I'd have a "States" subforum that looks much like your example. But we really need national-level, subject-area forums as well. Some topic areas might include:

    *Libertarian Q&A
    *Current National Issues Discussion
    *Candidates and Elections

    I agree 100% that we NEED a national forum. A party who values freedom of expression and ideas, and whose success is based on an informed and educated citizenry simply MUST have an open forum for discussing ideas and policies. Thank you for your work.
