DD YOU Sue Baskerville: Forterra bases National Security division on Orlando

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Forterra bases National Security division on Orlando

In an unusual and unprecedented move, virtual world developer Forterra, Inc. has decided to model it's recently formed National Security Division after the city of Orlando,Florida.

This make no sense, of course, after all, the city of Orlando is much too large to model a division of a private company after, the employees would be so far apart they'd have to drive to use the corporate bathroom, but apparently this will be the case based on how the Forterra site expressed it, and I quote:
"SAN MATEO, Calif. (August 9, 2007) - Forterra Systems, the market and technology leader in private virtual worlds, announced today the creation of a National Security Division that will be based on Orlando, FL."

Let's hope that the role Forterra plays in the processes involved in making the people of all the world's nations secure doesn't involve careful proofreading.


  1. Hi Suezanne, I am the VP Marketing at Forterra. Thanks for picking up our press release. You discovered a minor error in our press release despite four people looking it over. We are not modeling our National Security Division on the city Orlando, FL. We have based the division in Orlando, FL. The city of Orlando happens to be the simulation center in the world so is loaded with good engineering talent. Hopefully the press release now makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions (cbadger@forterrainc.com). Regards, Chris

  2. I note that you didn't answer the poll on this blog.

    Did you take the time to punch me out on the previous blog entry?

    And seriously, how about trying the Hipihi virtual world, and posting about your experience in the forum at www.ideashape.com? It's a user run forum trying to assiste non-Chinese speakers in the in-development Hipihi virtual world.

    Also, I have a there.com facebook group, perhaps you'd like to join that and make a comment or two on there.com.

    I hope my silly blog post provided at least a tiny bit of amusement.

    Nice to meet you, thanks for responding.
