DD YOU Sue Baskerville: July 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Try the Hipihi beta!

In response to Newsweek's article on Hipihi at http://international.talk.newsweek.com/default.asp?item=654607 I'll just say I'm having a nice time in the Hipihi virtual world beta test. The main site at www.hipihi.com is understandably designed for Chinese speakers, but if you don't speak Chinese, don't despair, here are some links that might help:

Chinese language primary web site: www.hipihi.com

English language forum sponsored by IdeaShape Studios: http://www.ideashape.cn (third party, run by Second Life member Jolly Heron)

English language MSN Hipihi group: hipihi@msn.com (also started by Jolly Heron)

English registration: http://www.hipihi.com/application/application_en.jsp

English Help and Support pdf file: http://www.hipihi.com/download/HiPiHi_World's_Help_and_Support(2007.7.20).zip

Download client: www.hipihi.com/download_client.html

English interface guide:

Hipihi skin & clothing templates:

Hipihi company email addresses:

For general info, email info@hipihi.com
For support with installation or operation, support@hipihi.com.

The SuezanneC Baskerville forum in the group forums at forums.secondlife.com, http://forums.secondlife.com/forumdisplay.php?f=280 has some posts about Hipihi, which you can access if you are able to use the Second Life forums, and my blog at http://suezannecbaskervillle.wordpress.com might be of interest or use to some re Hipihi.

The other Hipihi users and the Hipihi company's employees have all been quite pleasant. The program looks to me like it has every chance of succeeding, and I'm hoping that the Hipihi company and Linden Research, maker of Second Life, will work together to further the creation of the worldwide, global, 3D internet, aka the metaverse, by making portable avatars, portable currency, and portable objects to the extent possible and profitable.

A note to the open source community: please start now convincing the Hipihi company to open source the Hiphi viewer. Linden Lab's had good results with their open sourcing of the SL client, why not learn from each other's successes? Libsecondlife and opensl need their libhipihi and openhiphi complements.

Hipihi is a must see for any serious virtual world enthusiast, student, or creator.